
The people behind Trueflaw

At Trueflaw, we believe in working closely with our customers to provide the best possible services and solutions in the field of NDT. During our 20-year history we have worked with clients in different industries all over the world. Many of these clients are among the forerunners of their industry.

Pick your expert

Our experts serve you directly – meaning you have access to the best available information from the first inquiry all the way to support after purchase. We’re eager to help, so contact us!

Goncalo Sorger

Gonçalo Sorger (Dr.Sc. Tech)
AI Engineer
+358 44 7674546

Coming from a research background in advanced welding process monitoring and electromagnetic testing, Gonçalo is now using his expertise for AI development.

Sonja Grönroos

Sonja Grönroos (M.Sc.)
AI Engineer
+358 44 7509396

Sonja is experienced in data analysis, especially in nuclear NDE. Her degree in physics provides a unique perspective for AI projects.

Oskari Jessen-Juhler

Oskari Jessen-Juhler (M.Sc.),
UT level II
Senior Technical Specialist
+358 44 5331821

Oskari specializes in advanced ultrasonics. His background in NDE research and consulting brings a perfect mix of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Tuomas Koskinen

Tuomas Koskinen (M.Sc.),
UT & ET level II,
Senior Technical Specialist
+358 50 5638588

With a solid experience of NDE equipment and procedures, Tuomas will help you find the best AI solution for your inspection.

Oskar Siljama

Oskar Siljama (M.Sc.),
Senior AI Engineer
+358 44 4935349

A skilled and innovative developer, Oskar fulfills our customers’ needs in AI solutions and eFLaw virtual flaws.

Topias Tyystjarvi

Topias Tyystjärvi (M.Sc.),
+358 44 7944316

Part of our AI team since the beginning. Topias can help you with NDE software, system integrations and AI solutions in general.

Kaisa Miettinen

Kaisa Miettinen (M.Sc.),
+358 50 3656862

Need thermal fatigue cracks? Talk to Kaisa. She has strong experience in running crack manufacturing projects and helping our customers every step of the way.

Mika Sampio

Mika Sampio,
Production Manager
+358 40 542 5750

Mika is responsible of our thermal fatigue crack production, process and equipment, maintaining and improving our high quality standards.

Iikka Virkkunen

Iikka Virkkunen (Dr.Sc. Tech),
+358 45 6354415

Ask Iikka about anything Trueflaw: cracks, POD services, and AI products. Passionate to serve the world of NDE, Iikka never runs out of new ideas.

Trueflaw Ltd.
Tillinmäentie 3 A 113, FI-02330 Espoo, Finland
+358 45 635 4415
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