POD services
Reliability is the key element of NDT, and a probability of detection (POD) study is the only way to really know how reliable your system is. At Trueflaw, we have had a chance to see the various demands on NDT within different industries and applications. This has allowed us to learn the different aspects of POD and the best approaches to it. We can help you with your POD studies, wether it be through manufacturing custom cracks to real samples, simplified POD sample sets, consultancy and support for your POD study, or a full POD evaluation service. Our approach to POD allows our clients to focus on the inspection to make sure they receive the best possible results.
Easy and affordable
A full POD exercise with real samples is the gold standard for proving the capabilities of a NDT method. However, manufacturing 60 real cracks in actual components is pricey and doing a POD exercise with actual samples is not always worth the extra money. To mitigate the cost and to make real POD more accessible, Trueflaw has developed standard 50 x 100 x 4 mm sample plates as a solution.

Buy or rent
Our standard samples come in titanium or nickel alloys with 1 to 5 cracks in each, and with crack sizes varying from 0.3 mm to 3.0 mm. The crack size distribution can be tuned to the exact needs of our clients, which offers a cost-effective alternative to custom cracks but allows you to define the critical crack size. The moderate pricing of these samples also allows our clients the option to exceed the minimum required crack amount for a POD study and thus get more reliable POD results with more cracks. These samples are available for either purchase or rental, depending on your needs.
Let us handle it!
POD can be tricky and when you need only a single POD study, it might not be feasible to do it yourself. Trueflaw has developed an easily accessible POD evaluation service, where we take care of the samples and the analysis. We will come to you with a POD sample set that meets the ASTM-E2862-12 standard, you do the inspection and we analyse the results, according to the standard. The service includes a short presentation on POD and the most important things to focus on during the study, a full day of POD-inspections for as many inspectors or procedures as can be completed and preliminary results next day. You can choose either just one day to establish POD results for a NDT method or several consecutive days which allows you to learn from the results of the previous day.
Ready to go?
Please contact Kaisa Miettinen (kaisa@trueflaw.com, +358 50 3656862) or Iikka Virkkunen (iikka@trueflaw.com, +358 45 6354415) to discuss more.